Filled Emptiness unique worlds

Full empty spaces are vast landscapes, where immense mysterious spaces such as they are no longer to be found here in Belgium with its small-scale built-up areas, take shape. Spaces as metaphor, for solitude, open mind seeing fullness : full emptiness. When your eye gets used to the flatness of land or water , shapes and colours start to show fine nuances. You gradually discover innumerable tonalities of light and colour, such as on the wide water in Zeeland; contrast of light and dark, backlight as on the Scheldt in Antwerp, where the other bank, the left bank at sunset, reveals a world of meanings in such an image. That lonely world with one or more figures, becomes tangible, tangible, man a minuscule particle, trapped in it.
A lot of plain means a lot of sky. The constantly changing or threatening light of shifting clouds, playing, reflecting on water or earth ; dark evening skies over the fields, reinforce the atmosphere of space, impermanence and strangeness! Air light and water are feeling-laden gestalts.
Bonaire belongs to another world, meaningful , spaces in hues as if on another planet. Space girdled by rocks and enclosed beach, a solitary figure lost in the water.
Breton spaces, immense, endless beaches and wild waters , where man and nature are fused and only the murmur of the latter disturbs the silence, as if centuries ago. Man against force of nature : defying, playing, enjoying. a wide play bank with singles.