The fragmented pictures are an attempt to grasp the last disappearing archaic world of silence- rest of people and animals in harmony with nature( as a part of nature). These are threatened worlds of growing urbanisation by growing noise and traffic, advancing stone, housing and damaged relations between humans. These are the threatened worlds.
The fragmented form should be understood as vanishing – volatile- dissolving.

FILLED EMPTINESS unique worlds

(2006 - 2024)

The fragmented pictures are an attempt to grasp the last disappearing archaic world of silence- rest of people and animals in harmony with nature( as a part of nature). These are threatened worlds of growing urbanisation by growing noise and traffic, advancing stone, housing and damaged relations between humans. These are the threatened worlds. The fragmented form should be understood as vanishing – volatile- dissolving.

Are works that hold the memory, the memory of every day. It can sometimes seem banal, fascinating, extreme, disturbing or poetic, but it is part of life. What is art if not an attempt at conversation with the viewer through the image.


(2002 - 2023)

Are works that hold the memory, the memory of every day. It can sometimes seem banal, fascinating, extreme, disturbing or poetic, but it is part of life. What is art if not an attempt at conversation with the viewer through the image.

See what is going on.
As a painter, I have a strong vision of my own time and I represent it in my work. It is not decorative. 
I try to bear witness to the evolution of the world. My work is the 21st century and what is important about it. My time. Your time.


(2000 - 2024)

See what is going on. As a painter, I have a strong vision of my own time and I represent it in my work. It is not decorative.  I try to bear witness to the evolution of the world. My work is the 21st century and what is important about it. My time. Your time.

The series are called ‘The Walk’ because they are mainly inspired by the walks she took and is taking with her husband Wil. He has to walk daily due to health reasons.

The walk

(2007 - 2023)

The series are called ‘The Walk’ because they are mainly inspired by the walks she took and is taking with her husband Wil. He has to walk daily due to health reasons.

In our century, there is a turnover of people all over the world, the possibility of travelling exists, even over long distances, which creates many difficulties. The newcomers are not always wanted in the safe environment where they want to go. Humanity is experiencing dramatic times. Meanwhile, nothing has improved, only worsened and become more widespread. Should this be in a world with so many resources and a heightened awareness of responsible people?


(2002 - 2024)

In our century, there is a turnover of people all over the world, the possibility of travelling exists, even over long distances, which creates many difficulties. The newcomers are not always wanted in the safe environment where they want to go. Humanity is experiencing dramatic times. Meanwhile, nothing has improved, only worsened and become more widespread. Should this be in a world with so many resources and a heightened awareness of responsible people?


(2012 - 2023)

These objects are an attempt to give shape to the world of virtues and vices, of happiness and unhappiness, of memory and loneliness in beings. Waste material or corrugated cardboard is used for this, which is given spirit by painting.

OBJECTS a world of statues

(1992 - 2021)

These objects are an attempt to give shape to the world of virtues and vices, of happiness and unhappiness, of memory and loneliness in beings. Waste material or corrugated cardboard is used for this, which is given spirit by painting.