The walk
The series are called ‘The Walk’ because they are mainly inspired by the walks she took and is taking with her husband Wil. He has to walk daily due to health reasons.
dated 2007 until 2023
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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Storm and lots of noise
2019We are powerful even in the most ferocious conditions.

Out of the wind
2023Shaped with deep feeling and the dynamics between them.

Icy walk
2020A fleeting, chilly moment shared between two souls amid the raw beauty of nature.

Comes from the sun
2019The dark horizon and the cormorants, relaxing and drying their wings.

2007A man hurriedly disappears to another place.

What I see hear a storm
2019In it you will find passion and an invitation to reflection.

The sun always rises
2020Giving the feeling of a new day dawning, where emotions and dreams meet.

At the bottom of the dyke
2021The sun as a metaphor for hope, shines above the characters, yet part of a dreamlike world.