Indignados 2015

73 x 110 cm, © 2015,
€ 1 750,00
Two-dimensional | Painting | Acrylic | On paper
On display at Brave new old Worlds
This image was compiled after many protests from young people because of dissatisfaction about the course of their lives and their prospects. There was an elder 91 years: Stéphane Hessel, Frenchman of German origin, who urged them to keep out and not to be put in the corner: 'Indignez vous'!
This movement is already underway in 2015 when I dedicated a painting to it and now has a dramatic expansion because of the danger of destroying our planet, or better of the living beings on it. Does this bring the necessary evolution to another era, with conscious thinking?
Meet Gabriëlla in her studio >>
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