Collapse 01

73 x 54 cm, © 2017,
€ 1 250,00
Two-dimensional | Painting | Acrylic | On paper
On display at Brave new old Worlds
Of events around me. As an artist, I cannot remain indifferent to my time and temporal events. Hence telling images of collapse, of war, violence, being driven away, despair, sadness, sobering after so much hope, and that for children: paradise and empty.
I try to expose the nerves of time. Surely there is no point in being concerned only with pretty pictures, decoration, when the world around us uproots human dimensions, shows them as never before, confronts me with them. I cannot remain indifferent. It touches me what touches others. I am a part of the whole. The threads of their fabric tug at me too and I question, choose, search, collect heaps of images that are useful for me to carry our time before my eyes. It touches me what happens to others, especially children.
Meet Gabriëlla in her studio >>