Women for their rights and for the child

73 x 110 cm, © 2023,
€ 1 750,00
Two-dimensional | Painting | Acrylic | On paper
On display at Brave new old Worlds
Female artists , a misunderstood species. No much worse : a curse as Alicja Gescinska puts it in her article of 7.02.2024 : ‘Thoughts’ in the Morgen : we have to get rid of the idea that men stand for better artistic quality . But who cares ?
It is rather that, as breadwinner, they often commercialise their art more and thus put it in the spotlight more, often helped by a helpful wife who is supportive and also takes on many other tasks, shielding them.
This creates more opportunities that eventually guarantee more visibility and decent sales. Many buyers are particularly attentive to this aspect of art. What does it bring ? Is it valued , monetarily rewarded in the market? An understandable point of view.
There are few connoisseurs and few daredevils who appreciate totally new or unusual visions or can judge quality.
People like to walk on pre-existing paths.
I noticed the meagre praise for women, on my visit to the MSK : ‘among friends’,only one small room for women and almost all the rest dedicated to men. Perhaps not otherwise possible because of the few preserved works by women from the past.